Tuesday, July 7, 2015

What Separates the Innocent from the Guilty?

Recently a Rio Rancho police officer was killed in the line of duty. The first Rio Rancho, New Mexico police officer to meet this fate. A 28 year old thief shot the officer when the officer pulled him over for a traffic check. The thief's girlfriend was driving the vehicle and knew what was going to happen but didn't try to warn the officer.

What's the big deal you may ask, police killings seem to be rampant these days. Why write a blog on something that has become blasé? Well, folks, the question is, "What Separates the Innocent from the Guilty?" 

Americans have only one direct line of defense between themselves and the criminal element of our society. And, that is the American police force. I'm not saying that all police are great, upstanding members of society. I'm not saying that everything they do is correct. I'm not saying that they are not racists. I'm just saying that we, as American citizens, have no other avenue of protection between ourselves and the criminals, and so, killing off police officers is not the solution to the so-called radical police that are paid by us, to protect us, from the criminals.

Americans need to change their government and that includes the justice system. Criminals have more rights than the victims. Innocent people need to be protected, not the guilty who pray on us everyday. An eye for an eye, as the Bible says is the way the American justice system was founded and it's the way it should be today. 

Charging police officers with murder for shooting someone in the act of committing a crime is the same as charging soldiers with murder for killing someone during an act of war. What the hell has this country come to? A bunch of cry babies. Incapable of taking care of ourselves but ready to tear down the first line of American defense. This isn't a democracy anymore, it's a country of organizations, run by the rich and influential who can not be controlled and who will bring about its demise.

Wake up America! 


Now America has joined the fight against ISIS, isn't it a little late? Was America waiting for ISIS to knock on the door? Well, ladies and gentlemen they've been knocking for quite awhile now.

Young people all over the world are running to join up with this organization. Why? Because of the world situation.They have nothing else to do. No jobs, no incomes, no societal influences. They see themselves with no future. So, why not join an organization that promises them power and the ability to take over these disorganized countries.

ISIS has proven they don't care who they murder in broad daylight. Line people up and behead them on live TV or film, just a past time to them. ISIS, the organization that swears they are fighting for an Islamic state where Muslims can live in peace, has become a power-hungry bunch of murdering rapists and thieves. They are murdering the very people they claim to be building a country for. They do not give a darn about anyone but themselves.

There are ISIS cells in this country and if anyone tells you different, they are liars. ISIS is waiting and they are planning things worse than those committed on 9/11. You had better prepare to defend yourselves because the US government is not prepared, and even if they were, they can't be everywhere, defending everyone. Be prepared!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there and to all the mothers who have had to play the role of mother and father to their children.

Each of us is born with one mother and one father. Sometimes things do not work out that we have that mother and father throughout our lives. My mother and father divorced before I was 2 years old. And, it isn't easy growing up without both parents in the your home to guide you and protect you; however, we should learn to forgive and move on.

My daughters grew up without their father in our home. He knew where we were and he was free to contact my daughters anytime; but for the most part he didn't bother. He didn't pay his child support and the state of New York didn't make him pay. My daughters grew up to be kind, caring, successful members of the American society in spite of the hard times we faced. And, so when I hear about how John Paul Estorga murdered a policeman because he grew up without a father, I say bull--there were other issues in that family.

My husband and his first wife were divorced when their daughters were quite young. His ex-wife chose to move back to her hometown to raise their daughters near her family. My husband was in the military and traveled to defend our country. He never missed a child support payment. Every opportunity we had we traveled back to their hometown to visit and every time his ex-wife had to always run the visit until we finally gave up; my husband felt that when his daughters were older they would understand the circumstances and if they wanted to have him in their lives they would. And, during their college years, two of the three spent time with us, visited, and called on the phone. But, now, nothing. It's Father's Day and he hears nothing and doesn't receive a card.

I just want them to know that they may not have had their father present in their home every day; but, his heart was there. He loves them and would do anything for them. He supported them in whatever they decide to do with their lives. If you can't take time out of your day once a year to thank him for all he's done for you, I feel sorry for you when you reach the end of your life and have to answer to your heavenly father.

The Bible says, "Honor your father and your mother, that it may be well with him, and you will live long on this earth." Your days must really be numbered.