Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Now America has joined the fight against ISIS, isn't it a little late? Was America waiting for ISIS to knock on the door? Well, ladies and gentlemen they've been knocking for quite awhile now.

Young people all over the world are running to join up with this organization. Why? Because of the world situation.They have nothing else to do. No jobs, no incomes, no societal influences. They see themselves with no future. So, why not join an organization that promises them power and the ability to take over these disorganized countries.

ISIS has proven they don't care who they murder in broad daylight. Line people up and behead them on live TV or film, just a past time to them. ISIS, the organization that swears they are fighting for an Islamic state where Muslims can live in peace, has become a power-hungry bunch of murdering rapists and thieves. They are murdering the very people they claim to be building a country for. They do not give a darn about anyone but themselves.

There are ISIS cells in this country and if anyone tells you different, they are liars. ISIS is waiting and they are planning things worse than those committed on 9/11. You had better prepare to defend yourselves because the US government is not prepared, and even if they were, they can't be everywhere, defending everyone. Be prepared!

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