Thursday, January 2, 2014

Eric Snowden, Traitor or Whistleblower

Civil servants of the Federal government take an oath to support and defend the government, I took that oath in 1984 and kept it for over 20 years. Now I am a government contractor, the same as Mr. Snowden, and we didn't have to take this oath; but, we are told that the government pays us to do a specific job and what the Federal employees, who work around us or with us, do is not our concern. In my case this is pretty much true. I go to work, analyze the materials assigned to me, write my analyses, give them to my supervisor, and go home. If I want to continue to do my job and keep my security clearance, I do not divulge government classified material.

Eric Snowden, stole classified materials and took them out of the government secure facilities in order to divulge them. Then when he was identified as the person who divulged classified government materials, instead of owning up and facing the consequences, he takes off out of the country to Russia. Now, let me tell you that in order to get on a plane and fly into Russian airspace, one must have a written invitation from Russia. You can't just jump on a plane and fly to Russia because you feel like it, and if someone tells you that you can and/or that they do, they are lying to you. Mr. Snowden is now living temporarily in Russia, at the invitation of that government, and he's saying that he is allowed to do this without revealing the classified materials he took with him. He's full of bull, never happen in our lifetimes.

Now, Mr. Snowden wants, and apparently a lot of Americans want, him to be pardoned or receive a reduced sentence because he isn't a traitor, he's a whistleblower. A whistleblower is someone who believes things are being handled incorrectly or illegally and so they go to their superiors and tells them.  Whistleblowers do not steal classified government material and take it to communist countries or sell it to media outlets... that is a traitor. Why do you think Mr. Snowden is living in Russia, because he likes it there and just wants America to change the way they are doing things, baloney.

When I worked for the Federal government as a civil servant, I signed forms allowing them to bug my phone because I have nothing to hide. I do not talked to anyone about committing terrorist acts or about subverting the American government, so....they can listen to my phone calls all they want, I don't care. Yes, our government bugs phones, foreign and domestic. Should they be keeping this information on innocent American citizens?  NO, I do not believe they should, so bringing this to the public's attention should have been done, in my opinion, but stealing the information, going to Russia to live, and having the information published in international media is not the way a whistleblower would have handled it.

Take the time to read Eric Snowden's articles and you'll see that he is a self-righteous SOB. He wants it all his way or not at all, he is right and everyone else is wrong. He is smug and enjoying his notoriety. Those of you who think what he did was right about making the public aware of the phone taps and keeping personal information on file, have a point; but, the way Eric Snowden is going about it, is very, very wrong.  He's a traitor and should be prosecuted as one. Come on home Mr. Snowden judgment is waiting for you.

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