Thursday, January 2, 2014


Someone recently made the following remark in my presence: "I'll never forgive my grandmother." What did your grandmother do to you that was so terrible that you'll never forgive her? Nothing, she did something terrible to somone else.

Have you read the Bible concerning forgiveness? Or, the Lord's Prayer? The Lord's Prayer says, "forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us." Translation: forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

So...we have the power to forgive those who do things to us and to ask for forgiveness for the things we do to others; but, we do not have the right to forgive someone or to ask for forgiveness for someone who does ill will to someone else. That can only be done by the person that was wronged.

Now, we can say that we do not like the things a person does and so we do not want to socialize with that person, or be friends with that person; but, before we do that we should find out why that person did what they did or why they act in the manner that they do so as to make you not want to be friends with them. However, in this case the Bible states that the first one among us without sin should cast the first stone.

Even though people make the statement that Christ was the only perfect person to walk the earth without committing a sin; and therefore, he is the only one who can sit in judgment of others...Christ stated on various occasions in the Bible that he was not perfect because of his human side. He went so far as to ask his father in heaven for forgiveness for the fact that he didn't want to die on the cross.

My point in this blog is to state that we should find out all the facts of the story before we condemn someone for something they have done to us or to someone else, because no one is perfect.

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