Thursday, March 20, 2014

MY Comment on Michael Smerconish's Fred Phelps Comments

On my way to work the other morning, I was listening to the radio show POTUS Politics with Micheal Smerconish. Mr. Smerconish was having a discussion about religion, would Fred Phelps go to heaven if he accepted Jesus Christ as his savior before he died. In case you do not know who Fred Phelps is, he is the person who protests at American solider's funerals because he says God is punishing America for accepting gays.

Personally I think that anyone who would go to any funeral to hold a loud, nasty protest deserves to go to hell, but I may be wrong.

My comment is actually about the discussion on the remark Mr. Smerconish made that in the Bible God states that he wants us to forgive our enemies and accept Jesus Christ as our savior and then he will admit us into heaven, no matter what we do in life. Michael Smerconish remarked, would murders get into heaven if upon their deathbed they accepted Christ as their savior.

Now, I'm not a religious scholar nor any type of pastor, priest, or rabbi; so, this is my personal opinion. The God of the Old Testiment, the God of the Jews, was not a nice, forgiving God. And, I realize that Christians ascribe to the three Gods in one, the Trinity. However, I am talking about the God in Genisis that created the heavens and the earth and everything in it. Read the old testament and you will see that God was a jealous God and his ideology was, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." There was no turn the other cheek ideology.

Jesus Christ, the son of God, one part of the three gods in the trinity, and he was born and died a Jew folks. Christianity was formed by his disciples after Christ's death. Christ's ideology was to love thine enemies, turn the other cheek, and all that good stuff. Jesus Christ, on the cross, turned to the thieves hanging beside him and offered them forgiveness if they accepted him as their savior; and one of them did. Jesus Christ turned the water to wine, healed the sick, and raised the dead; so, does that null and void the ideology of his father?  I don't think so.

So, Mr. Smerconish, I think that you should say that Jesus Christ would forgive Mr. Phelp's and allow him into heaven with him; but, I'm hoping to go to God's heaven and God believes that revenge is the answer to people like Mr. Phelps.

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