Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Social Security and Medicare System Sucks!

On February 2, 2015 I will be 65. This seems to be the magic number in America. Even though I still work, pay taxes, and allow my paycheck to be the target of governmental greed, I'm being hounded through the mail and over the phone about social security benefits and medicare enrollment. And, it started months ago.

My health insurance informed me they would no longer be covering me because I am eligible for medicare. But, I do not want medicare, not until I determine that I'm ready for it. Too bad, you're getting it anyway. Then the Air Force medical clinic, where I've gone for care for over 30 years, informs me that they will no longer be taking care of me so go find a doctor downtown.

So, fine I get online and fill out the form for medicare insurance to start February 2, 2015. Then the letters from Social Security/Medicare start coming in the mail. Several copies of each letter,  like one is not enough. The Social Security folks have determined that I do not have to pay for Part A since I have worked and paid into the program since I was 14 years old. That means I have paid into this crap for 51 years, I should own it by now. But, to keep my military Tricare for life I have to have Part B. Now Part B pays for some of the doctor's office visits and stuff you have to get outside of an inpatient hospital visit. And, you have to pay for it based on your income. So, I get another letter stating I have to pay $104.90 a month for Part B based on the figure that the IRS gave to Social Security folks last year as my household income. But, it's not just my yearly income, it is the joint income of my spouse and I from our joint taxable income. WHY is my husband's income added to my income to determine MY monthly medicare premium? Because the government says so is the answer I received. My husband has to pay towards my Medicare premiums and he is 13 years younger than me so when he is 65 I could be dead and he won't have the opportunity to use my income and make me help pay for his Medicare.

I call the Social Security/Medicare office and ask them how do they want me to pay the $104.90 a month and the women reads me a pamphlet that has nothing to do with how to make the payment and when she finishes I said that's nice but HOW do you want me to pay----check, money order, credit, out of my flesh---HOW?  Oh, then she reads me another pamphlet and the last paragraph says that if I am receiving Social Security or a Civil Service pension that I have to have it taken from my check before I receive it---whether I want to or not. Then I have to fill out a form online to have it deducted from my retirement check and I have to fill out a form for an online Medicare information account.

WHY I ask do I have to fill out another form for the account when I just filled out the same information on a form for deduction from pay? It's the same exact information I just gave you.  Well, I have to fill out another form because they need to know if I have any other insurance that they can bill my medical costs to so that they can get out of paying my medical costs with Medicare. Now how can I have another insurance when my insurance is cancelled by all other companies as soon as they find out I'm 65?  And, who is allowing all these government departments to share my personal information without my consent?? Well you have to file another form saying that you do  not want your personal information shared and they will send you another letter telling you that the government can share your personal information if they want because now that you are 65 you have no rights just like when you were born until you were of legal age which is different in a lot of states.

In other words when you turn 65 the government is going to screw the heck out of you so get ready to bend over.

Teacher at B. Sue Cleveland High School Looses Job Because of Composition

Before Christmas break at B. Sue Cleveland High School in Rio Ranch, New Mexico, teacher, Katrina Guarascio, lost her job over a composition written by one of her students. Ms. Guarascio was a creative English teacher at the high school who allowed her students to think and write outside the box and then their compositions were read and evaluated by a panel of the students' peers.

So, one of the students wrote his composition about Jesus giving pot to the sick and the homeless. I would publish the essay here except the public was not allowed to read the essay. Seems the composition was written and given to the panel for evaluation and one of the young ladies on the panel didn't approve so she went home and told her parents about it and they went to the principal and demanded Ms. Guarascio be fired.

This type of incident seems to happen a lot in our present society.

How are students suppose to learn to think for themselves if our school systems demand that they have to be like everyone else?  I'd rather have a teacher like Ms. Guarascio teaching my child how to be an individualist than someone teaching them to follow the crowd. If someone doesn't like what the student wrote then put that in the evaluation and pass it on to the next evaluator. And, what's wrong with Jesus helping the sick and homeless? So, Jessus gave them pot, so what, they can go up to Colorado and buy it now, if they could afford it. And, medical pot is legal now-a-days.

In my opinion, Ms. Guarascio should be promoted, given an award, and patted on the back. She is the kind of teacher this state needs in its schools. New Mexico has some of the worst schools in America and kids have a terrible time in college, those that can get in, because they can't think for themselves let alone write a college-level essay. To Ms. Guarascio, wherever you are now. you are too good for New Mexican schools!

Police Targeting African-Americans??

Since Ferguson African-American friends of mine have been posting on Facebook that police across America have been targeting them. Time for me to weigh in on this subject.

First of all--I do not like the term African-American. We are all Americans unless you are here illegally.

Secondly--The incident of the boy being shot by police because he had a gun at the playground, that turned out to be a toy, was shot because someone called in to 911 and reported that the boy was at the playground with a gun that might be a toy, or might not. This information was not passed on to the police and when they arrived at the playground and saw a gun that was not featuring the orange tag denoting a toy, they shot him. This was not the police targeting an African-American.

The same goes for the man in a Wal-Mart with a toy gun that was shot. Someone called 911 and reported that he was waving a gun around in the store. Police should have taken the time to see if it was a toy gun or not, and in this case they didn't. But again this isn't targeting someone because of race.

Thirdly--Ferguson. This person had just robbed a store and pushed the clerk around because he was big enough to get away with it. Then when stopped by police for the robbery, this person grabbed for the policeman's gun and thought he could get away with wrestling for the policeman's weapon. If you ask me, Michael was asking to get shot and he did. Did the policeman have to shoot Michael so many times? No, the academy teaches a policeman to shoot twice to the chest and once to the head. Michael's parents and the stepparent get on TV and start crying that their son was a good person that wouldn't hurt anyone--bull that's not the image I got from the tapes.

Fourthly--The man who was in a choke hold in NYC. This man should have stood still and let the police frisk him. The policeman who jumped him from behind and put him in the chokehold was way out of line. So, the man shouldn't have resisted police; but, the police shouldn't have used an illegal chokehold and should have stopped once the person said he couldn't breath.

Finallty--Targetting African-Americans. I do not believe that police all over America are targeting African-Americans. I do not believe that African-Americans getting on social media and instagating violence and looting is appropriate either. Taxpayers pay to have police protection and policeman and women have the right to protect themselves as well, if you start violence, no matter what color you are, you are asking for what you will eventually receive.

Grow up people and act appropriately. Getting on social media and demanding revenge for the incidents involving African-Americans is not appropriate.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Give to Those That Defend Our Country This Holiday

There are many military families who can not afford to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. The soldiers who defend our country, do not make enough money to pay their bills and celebrate American traditions. It's sad that our country doesn't pay the defenders of American freedoms enough to have a happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas.

If you have some extra money this holiday season, give it to the soldiers so that their families can have a good holiday!