Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Police Targeting African-Americans??

Since Ferguson African-American friends of mine have been posting on Facebook that police across America have been targeting them. Time for me to weigh in on this subject.

First of all--I do not like the term African-American. We are all Americans unless you are here illegally.

Secondly--The incident of the boy being shot by police because he had a gun at the playground, that turned out to be a toy, was shot because someone called in to 911 and reported that the boy was at the playground with a gun that might be a toy, or might not. This information was not passed on to the police and when they arrived at the playground and saw a gun that was not featuring the orange tag denoting a toy, they shot him. This was not the police targeting an African-American.

The same goes for the man in a Wal-Mart with a toy gun that was shot. Someone called 911 and reported that he was waving a gun around in the store. Police should have taken the time to see if it was a toy gun or not, and in this case they didn't. But again this isn't targeting someone because of race.

Thirdly--Ferguson. This person had just robbed a store and pushed the clerk around because he was big enough to get away with it. Then when stopped by police for the robbery, this person grabbed for the policeman's gun and thought he could get away with wrestling for the policeman's weapon. If you ask me, Michael was asking to get shot and he did. Did the policeman have to shoot Michael so many times? No, the academy teaches a policeman to shoot twice to the chest and once to the head. Michael's parents and the stepparent get on TV and start crying that their son was a good person that wouldn't hurt anyone--bull that's not the image I got from the tapes.

Fourthly--The man who was in a choke hold in NYC. This man should have stood still and let the police frisk him. The policeman who jumped him from behind and put him in the chokehold was way out of line. So, the man shouldn't have resisted police; but, the police shouldn't have used an illegal chokehold and should have stopped once the person said he couldn't breath.

Finallty--Targetting African-Americans. I do not believe that police all over America are targeting African-Americans. I do not believe that African-Americans getting on social media and instagating violence and looting is appropriate either. Taxpayers pay to have police protection and policeman and women have the right to protect themselves as well, if you start violence, no matter what color you are, you are asking for what you will eventually receive.

Grow up people and act appropriately. Getting on social media and demanding revenge for the incidents involving African-Americans is not appropriate.

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