Sunday, September 7, 2014

A caution about Sofas and

Five month's ago, my husband and I decided to replace our living room furniture. When our dogs were puppies, they had chewed on the corners of the sofa and loveseat, so we decided we'd like to replace them. My husband found Sofas and online offering the Lane brand of furnture in the color we wanted with the power features we were looking for.

He placed the order and was told we'd receive the furniture in four to six weeks. After six weeks rolled around and we hadn't heard any thing, my husband called to inquire. The salesman told him that Lane no longer made the furniture we wanted in the color we ordered. The salesman offered an alternative color and stated that he would take a large amount off the sales price for our troubles. Again we placed an order for the same furniture in an alternative color.

Again we were promised deliver in four weeks. Again the four weeks passed without any furniture deliver. My husband caled the salesperson and was told they were running a little behind, but the furniture would be delivered soon. Meanwhile Sofas and was billing our American Express for various sums of money to cover the manufacturing. Finally I was becoming irritated at the amount of time and money we were putting into getting this furniture with no results.

I ask my husband to checking into when this furniture was arriving and this time he contacted the customer service representative, Ms. Shara Williams. Ms. Williams said the salesman hadn't promised us a lower price and wanted more money to get this furniture to us. Since my husband really wanted the Lane, power reclining feature and we couldn't find the color and features we wanted locally, we agreed to the price and Ms. Williams promised quick delivery.

Time went by and no furniture, no word from Sofas and, and we were getting really unhappy over the whole deal. Then we get word that the furnture was in Albuquerque and when could it be delivered. My husband set up a delivery date, but called and ask them to hold the furniture because neither of us could be home for delivery. They delivered the recliners anyway, the sofa was torn badly and they were going to reorder it.

Now we get a look at the two recliners and they are the wrong color and do not have the power feature we paid for, so, we have them picked up and returned. We'd had enough, so we ask for a refund, to heck with it. Ms. Williams said she needed pictures of the furniture because now it was a warranty problem. Picture of what, we didn't accept the furniture and it's on its way back to wherever it came from.

Several e-mails and phone calls later Ms. Williams tells us she misunderstood and thought we had the furniture. Now she says she's going to process our refund immediately. Well, I guess to her immediately means "wait a few months and they'll forget about it, and we won't refund their money." Finally it's 5 months since this started and I've had enough, so I tell my husband to stopped messing with Sofas and because it's obvious to me that they are not going to refund our money. We contested the charge with our American Express company and wouldn't ya know it, Ms. Williams sends us an e-mail wanting to argue about when certain events happened and she doesn't like that we told the truth to American Express complete with e-mails and receipts. Now she can't get us our refund fast enough.

Yes, we have all our money back and we never intend to purchase anything that expensive online again. However, if Sofas and had been open and honest from the beginning they would be looking like the liars and cheats that they really are and I wouldn't be writing this post.  Beware of online thieves.

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