Sunday, September 14, 2014

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged

This blog is on a personal subject. I'm tired of people who think they have the right to judge; but, no one has the right to judge them.

Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone mis-speaks and says things they didn't mean to say; something that just comes out wrong. No one person in this world is perfect, I don't care what your school, your religion, your family, tells you--No one is perfect!

When the Bible says to honor your mother and your father--that's what it means. Even if your parents are divorced or separated, you should honor both of your parents equally.

The individuals involved in my personal matter know who they are and they know of what I am writing. We have taken care of you and supported you throughout your young life into adulthood. We have listened to your late night phone calls of your dreams and your tribulations. We have financially supported you in good times and in bad. You are welcome in our lives and our home at any time, for any reason.

But, you need to learn that you are not perfect and neither are we. Things are said for many reasons and if you are to survive in the world, as it is today, you'd better grow a tough skin. Just because someone says something that you didn't like for some reason, you do not have the right to judge them because you are so darn great. Because you aren't. Let me make a list of the things you have said or done wrong in your short lifetime and throw it in your face as a reason to dislike you and disrepect you.

Grow up and live the doctrine you profess to believe. Judge not lest ye be judged. Honor thy father and they mother so that you may live long and be happy on this earth.

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